Resep Sehat Menu JSR (Jurus Sehat Rosululloh)
resep sehat menu JSR (jurus Sehat Rasululloh) dibuat untuk memudahkan manusia untuk menuju gaya hidup sehat seperti baginda Rasulullah.
Resep Sehat Menu JSR (Jurus Sehat Rosululloh)
1. Konsep JSR
2. 7 hari tantangan JSR
3. Air titrasi
4. Alergi
5. Anemia
6. Anxienty(cemas)
7. Asam lambung
8. Asam urat
9. Asi booster (pelancar asi)
10. Azoosperma (jumlah sperma sangat sedikit)
11. Batuk pilek dewasa
12. Batuk pilek anak
13. Darah rendah
14. Darah tinggi
15. Demam
16. Detox
17. Diabetes
18. Diare
19. Ejakulasi dini
20. Endometriosis, PCOS, Miom
21. Flu
22. Flu tulang
23. Gairah sex
24. Gigi
25. Ginjal
26. Haid
27. Hepatitis
28. Hipertiroid
29. Hipotiroid
30. Imun tubuh (kekebalan tubuh)
31. Infertilitas
32. Inflamasi
33. Insomnia
34. Jantung
35. Kembung
36. Kolestrol
37. Lendir (mucus)
38. Liver
39. Logam berat
40. Maag
41. Masuk angin
42. Mata
43. Menopause dini
44. Mimisan
45. Mual
46. Nafsu makan
47. Ooligospermia (jumlah sperma sedikit)
48. Otak
49. Parkinson
50. Pencernaan
51. Penyumbatan tuba
52. Program hamil
53. Radang
54. Rahim
55. Sakit kepala
56. Sariawan
57. Sembelit
58. Sendi
59. Sinusitis
60. Stamina
61. Stroke
62. TBC
63. Thalasemia
64. Tipes
65. Trombosit DBD
66. Tumor dan kanker
67. ultimate
68. Usus
69. Vertigo
70. Virus
71. Wasir
Hidup di zaman modern memang serbagampang dan serbainstan. Tapi di balik itu semua, banyak hal mengerikan yang bisa terjadi pada diri Anda. Gaya hidup modern dapat menciptakan manusia karatan, belum tua sudah keriput, banyak penyakit, gampang capek, dan berumur pendek. Agar kita tidak termasuk dalam kategori manusia karatan, ikutilah pola hidup seperti yang saya muat di dalam aplikasi ini.
didalam aplikasi ini banyak sekali resep sehat seperti yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW. seperti cara mengatasi alergi, anemia, anxienty,asam lambung, asam urat, pelancar asi,azoosperma, batuk pilek dewasa dan anak-anak, darah rendah, darah tinggi, demam,detox, diabetes, diare, ejakulasi dini, PCOS, flu tulang, sakit gigi, ginjal, gairah sex, haid , hepatitis, hipertiroid, hipotiroid, imun tubuh, infertilitas, inflamasi, insomnia, jantung, kembung, kolestrol, lendir, liver, logam berat, maag, masuk angin, mata minus, menopouse dini, mimisan, mual,nafsu makan, ooliguspermia, otak, parkinson, pencernaan, penyumbatan tuba, program hamil, radang, rahim, sakit kepala, sariawan, sembelit, sendi, sinusitus, stamina, stoke, TBC, thalasemia, tipes, trombosit DBD, tumor dan kanker, ultimate, usus, vertigo, virus, wasir.
semoga resep yang saya muat didalam aplikasi ini bisa mengubah pola hidup menjadi lebih sehat sesuai dengan tuntunan Al-Qur'an dan sunah Rasulullah dan bermanfaat bagi semua.
Healthy Recipe Menu JSR (Rosululloh Healthy Kick)
healthy recipes menu JSR (stance Healthy Rasululloh) was created to enable people to lead a healthy lifestyle as the king of the Prophet.
Healthy Recipe Menu JSR (Rosululloh Healthy Kick)
1. The concept of JSR
2. 7-day challenges of JSR
3. Water titration
4. Allergy
5. Anemia
6. Anxienty (anxious)
7. Gastric acid
8. Gout
9. Asi booster
10. Azoosperms (very few sperm counts)
11. Adult cold cough
12. Cough colds in children
13. Low Blood
14. High blood pressure
15. Fever
16. Detox
17. Diabetes
18. Diarrhea
19. Premature ejaculation
20. Endometriosis, PCOS, myoma
21. Flu
22. Bone flu
23. Passion sex
24. Gigi
25. Kidney
26. Menstruation
27. Hepatitis
28. Hyperthyroidism
29. Hypothyroidism
30. Immune (body immunity)
31. Infertility
32. inflammation
33. Insomnia
34. Heart
35. Bloating
36. cholesterol
37. The mucus (mucus)
38. Liver
39. Heavy metal
40. Ulcer
41. Catch a cold
42. Eyes
43. Early menopause
44. Nosebleeds
45. Nausea
46. Appetite
47. Ooligospermia (small sperm count)
48. Brain
49. Parkinson
50. Digestion
51. tubal blockage
52. Pregnant Program
53. Inflammation
54. Uterus
55. Headache
56. Sprue
57. Constipation
58. Joints
59. Sinusitis
60. Stamina
61. Stroke
62. TB
63. Thalassemia
64. Tipes
65. DHF platelets
66. Tumors and cancer
67. ultimate
68. Intestine
69. Vertigo
70. Viruses
71. Hemorrhoids
Life in modern times is versatile and simple. But behind it all, a lot of terrible things that could happen to you. The modern lifestyle can create a human being rusty, old wrinkled yet, many diseases, easily tired, and short-lived. That we are not included in the category of human being rusty, follow the pattern of life like I fit in this application.
This application in a lot of healthy recipes as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. such as how to deal with allergies, anemia, anxienty, gastric acid, gout, accelerating breast milk, azoosperms, coughing colds in adults and children, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, fever, detox, diabetes, diarrhea, premature ejaculation, PCOS, bone flu, toothache, kidney, sexual desire, menstruation, hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, immune, infertility, inflammation, insomnia, heart, bloating, cholesterol, mucus, liver, heavy metals, ulcers, colds, eye minus, menopause early, nosebleeds , nausea, appetite, ooliguspermia, brain, parkinsonism, digestion, tubal obstruction, pregnancy programs, inflammation, uterus, headaches, thrush, constipation, joints, sinusitus, stamina, stoke, tuberculosis, thalassemia, typhus, DHF platelets, tumors and cancer, ultimate, colon, vertigo, virus, hemorrhoids.
I hope the recipe that I load in this application can change the pattern of life to be healthier in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet and useful for all.